![]() Customer RemarksAny Customer’s feedback/ remarks, during their usage, are traced through the Invoice and related batch numbers. Later, worked out to identify the problems to the root level and thereby making customers understand and unravel. |
![]() DISPATCH INVOICE & BATCH NUMBER DETAILSDesignated personnel’s at warehouse is guided by QC, for selection of proper and definite lots/ batch for dispatching, which is as per the dependence on Customer requirements and standards. The warehouse gives the exact details to the preparation of Invoice for product exit. |
![]() QUALITY ANALYSIS DETAILSOnline QC’s and approved Technologist’s reports are maintained for the each lot of production (on daily basis) and are analyzed under a well equipped laboratory. |
![]() PRODUCTION DETAILSOur well trained/ experienced personnel’s operating in production hall provide full information of the Fish mobility along the production hall with well set documents maintained at each steps of production. Online QC reports are evident at the production hall. |
![]() INPUT RAW MATERIAL DETAILSFishes observed and accepted based on the terms of quality, counts and quantity by our experienced executives at landing centre/s and at the production receiving ends. |
![]() RAW MATERIAL SOURCE (VESSEL DETAILS)The Raw fish are always captured and procured from MPEDA approved Fishing Vessels that shall engage in fishing through GPS navigator, the exact position of the Fishery source based on Latitude and Longitude of operation is attained. |
![]() CATCHING GROUNDSOccurrence of Precise capture details of Fresh pelagic Indian Oil Sardine fishes caught under a defined mesh sized, nets/ seines operated by standard vessels along the definite FAO fishing zone. |

Customer Remarks
Any Customer’s feedback/ remarks, during their usage, are traced through the Invoice and related batch numbers. Later, worked out to identify the problems to the root level and thereby making customers understand and unravel.

Quality Analysis Details
Online QC’s and approved Technologist’s reports are maintained for the each lot of production (on daily basis) and are analyzed under a well equipped laboratory.

Dispatch Invoice and Batch Number Details
Designated personnel’s at warehouse is guided by QC, for selection of proper and definite lots/ batch for dispatching, which is as per the dependence on Customer requirements and standards. The warehouse gives the exact details to the preparation of Invoice for product exit.

Input Raw Material Details
Fishes observed and accepted based on the terms of quality, counts and quantity by our experienced executives at landing centre/s and at the production receiving ends.

Production Details
Our well trained/ experienced personnel’s operating in production hall provide full information of the Fish mobility along the production hall with well set documents maintained at each steps of production. Online QC reports are evident at the production hall.

Catching Grounds
Occurrence of Precise capture details of Fresh pelagic Indian Oil Sardine fishes caught under a defined mesh sized, nets/ seines operated by standard vessels along the definite FAO fishing zone.

Raw Material Source (Vessel Details)
The Raw fish are always captured and procured from MPEDA approved Fishing Vessels that shall engage in fishing through GPS navigator, the exact position of the Fishery source based on Latitude and Longitude of operation is attained.